healing modalities

altered states of consciousness
Want to change old patterns and beliefs? Learn more about why hypnosis can help you change the ideas, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that you inherited from your family and community.
Talk therapy is an important modality, especially with the Surgeon General announcing the negative affects of loneliness recently, but what about walking and talking? And more?


What's in the eyes?
EMDR for trauma
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Learn what it can do for trauma.
altered states of consciousness
It’s becoming a common method of treatment in the field of psychology. What is it and why would you want to consider it?

These podcasts, guided meditations, hypnoses, shamanic journeys and all related posts/content are presented solely for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes. They are not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, treatment, or cure, and does not create a therapist-client relationship. Always seek the guidance and assistance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your personal health or any medical condition and/or on any opinions expressed within this site.
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This information is presented solely for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment, and does not create a therapist-client relationship. Always seek the guidance and assistance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your personal health or any medical condition and/or on any opinions expressed within this site.
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