grief and loss
Grief moves in and out, like the tide
taking you down at your knees
threatening you with drowning
but when that tide finally recedes
your grief will have left
tiny gems at your feet
gems you have not yet imagined for your self.
~ Maggie Mer

Read this article by Hazel Bridges at for Closets, Cars, and Curiosities to help you navigate your grief with your eyes on a healthy outcome, a healthy horizon.
Grief is inevitable — you may experience the loss of a loved one, relationship, job, or house. While everyone handles grief differently, they all long to heal. Maintaining your health is paramount to overcoming a traumatic loss. To promote your healing journey, the following tips by Hazel Bridges at for Sana Dea so that you may stay healthy while grieving. Look after yourself during this time.
Spending time with people you cherish can help ease your pain. Sometimes, grief can forge stronger bonds with family and friends and promote better well-being. Open up to them about your feelings, or do something together that takes your mind off things for a bit.
While spending time together, you may enjoy collecting stories and memories of the loved one you’ve lost. You could put together a document containing these cherished memories to share. In order to make the document reflect many loved one’s experiences, use an online PDF tool that allows everyone to add comments where desired. Once everyone has added their information, one person can make the final edits. Then, your family and friends will have a beautiful memorial to cherish.
Grief can emotionally exhaust you, and your sleeping habits may have changed during this time. Many people experience insomnia, and Medical News Today notes that repeated nights of inadequate sleep can negatively impact your health. Sleep deprivation can lead to:
- Mood changes
- Irritability
- Difficulty concentrating or remembering
- Weight gain
- A weakened immune system, causing respiratory infections
- Hormone imbalance
To get a good night’s sleep, the Sleep Foundation suggests keeping a bedtime routine, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evenings. Also, don’t use electronics, such as your phone, one to two hours before bedtime.
Exercise is a natural mood booster. The increased activity causes your body to release endorphins, which leads to improved mood. Even light exercise, such as walking and swimming can help reduce depression, agitation, and sorrow. It’s also been shown that those living in a walkable neighborhood weigh 6-10 lbs less, which makes walking great for your physical health too. Ask a friend or family member to join you for additional emotional support.
You don’t necessarily have to set out for formal exercise; getting more movement throughout your day can help. Try taking the stairs when possible and standing more at work. Even taking a brief walk on your lunch break can pay dividends.
Expressing yourself is a healthy way to deal with grief. Find a creative outlet that works for you, such as journaling, listening to or playing music, painting, or crafting. Channeling your grief into these creative endeavors can promote your emotional well-being.
You may even discover a latent skill that can be nurtured into a business, the choices for which are many for creative types. Should you want to go that route, setting up an LLC is pretty straightforward. A formation company can make the process quick and easy for you. Then you’ll be on your way to sharing your creative talents with the world.
Your home should be your escape from stress and ideal for healthy grieving. Perhaps you’ve had your eye on a new home and would feel at peace living there. When purchasing your new home, consider getting homeowner’s insurance. Your rate depends on factors that include your home’s age and condition, any pets you own, and your credit and claims history. Before committing to an insurance plan, compare account coverage, costs, and benefits.
Once you purchase and protect your new home, create a soothing space to promote your healing. Let in plenty of sunlight, decorate to reflect your personality, and keep it well-organized. A cluttered home leads to stress, so keeping a clean, open space can positively impact mood. To further your sense of peace, dedicate an area to meditation and practice mindfulness as you heal.
Also consider the benefits of plants. They boost your mood naturally and even clean the air. Visit a nearby nursery or other store that carries indoor plants and choose a variety that’s easy to care for and really catches your eye.
Engaging with the natural world can help ease your grief. Studies show that being in nature can lower depression, promote quicker recovery rates, and reduce stress. Nature is also a reminder that death is part of the life cycle and that life goes on. Grab a friend and hike in the woods, or take a solitary stroll along open, flower-filled fields.
You can also use this opportunity to meditate. Nature allows a more profound sense of mindfulness. It can often be more serene and less distracting than your home life.
Your health is paramount while healing from grief. Make sure you spend time in nature, spend some time exercising, and take steps to ensure that you’re getting enough sleep. Grief can take its time, so it’s important to look after yourself during this time.
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